I see you wanting to be the best doctor to your patients - wanting to give them the time, energy and attention they need, but feeling constant pressure from admins to see more and do more in less time.

I see you wanting to be the best mother to your kids - wanting to be present, attentive and positive, but feeling crushed by the weight of long clinic days, mental fatigue and professional burnout. 

I see you wanting to practice what you preach by taking care of yourself - exercising, eating well, hydrating and getting enough sleep, but feeling it is impossible when you are so behind on notes, inbox messages and household tasks.

First, I want you to know that you're not crazy. Or inefficient. Or whiny. The research on primary care clearly shows that most female PCPs are overworked, underpaid and undervalued.

Second, I want you to know it doesn't have to be like this...

I see you.

Hey mama

micropractice Mama

There IS a way to practice primary care with autonomy, authenticity & joy. No painful credentialing process. No managing staff. No admins telling you what to do.. Sound too good to be true?
I thought so too. But it's possible. I'm living proof.

There is an alternative to the burnout & overwhelm of traditional primary care.

 I've been there.

In the summer of 2020, I found myself returning from maternity leave to a rapidly growing panel in global pandemic. I felt crushed by the demands of motherhood and medicine and pressured to compromise something: my quality of care, my time with family or my own wellbeing.

I couldn't compromise. I wanted to be the kind of mother and doctor my son would be proud of. In 2021, I quit.

In 2022, I launched my solo practice with essentially a laptop and tote bag of basic medical equipment. I knew *nothing* about business or marketing, but I read books, binged podcasts, sought guidance from others and developed a model that worked.

 In 2023, I earned the highest salary of my career all while practicing with total control over my schedule (20-25 hr/wk), no staff to manage and full professional autonomy. Oh, and I had another baby.Now I'm committed to helping others do the same.

My STory

SOnia Singh, MD
Juniper Modern Primary Care

Primary care in its current state is simply unsustianable. Both patients and doctors deserve more from primary care. Through my own journey, I discovered a unique practice model - solo, direct care micropractice -  that finally made medicine feel compatible with motherhood.

If you haven't heard of the direct primary care (DPC) movement already, I promise you will soon as more doctors and more patients take the plunge. DPCs come in many flavors, but the micropractice model is unique in its simplicity, flexibility, and low overhead. And with current technology, it's now more doable than ever. Imagine building a practice exactly the way you want. You can. And when you do, you're going to wish you started yesterday.

Micropractice Mama provides educational resources, 1:1 support & community to PCPs wanting to practice medicine creatively and sustainably with autonomy, authenticity & joy. 

The Mission

Neither did I! The whole concept of "business" felt foreign and intimidating. But what I've learned and constantly remind myself is that business at its core is simply problem-solving. It is about identifying problems and providing valuable solutions. We as physicians are great problem solvers. 

Mama, you've done SO many hard things. If you have managed DKA, you can start a practice. You are smart, hard-working & highly skilled. People with far less ability start businesses every day. You can definitely do this, especially with the right tools and guidance. ALL your options right now including continuing the grind as an employed physician are hard in some way. But what are you getting out of it? Hardship is inevitable. Autonomy is priceless.

I know what you're thinking...

"I know nothing about business!"

"That sounds too hard."

Limiting Belief #1

Limiting belief #2

You know what's really icky? Providing substandard care is icky. Being exploited to line the pockets of executives and insurers is icky. Writing notes after your kids go to bed is icky. Working through lunch and barely having time to use the restroom is icky. Once you know your worth and believe in the value of what you are offering, marketing will not feel icky. If you can convince a reluctant patient to start a medication they really need, then you can market your solo practice.

"Marketing is icky."

Limiting belief #3

Hey negative nancy

You're right! One study found that for a PCP to provide guideline-based care to a typical panel of patients, she would need 27 hours per day. You will never have more time. As any part-time PCP will tell you, the office hours (and pay) may decrease, but the panel never gets smaller. How long are you willing to live a life where you have no time? It took me 6 months to launch my practice. With the right roadmap, you can do it in even less. The time is NOW.

"I have no time!"

Limiting Belief #4

The Micropractice Mama E-Course


Your time and energy is finite. You don't need to re-invent the wheel. I want to share with you exactly what worked for me in this detailed step-by-step guide. I'll walk you through everything from developing your practice concept to seeing your first patient. We'll get into the nitty gritty - numbers, legal requirements, workflows & pro tips to save you time & money and set you up for success. View all 12 modules on-demand, in the comfort of your home, at your own pace.

Check all the appropriate legal boxes to protect yourself & your new practice

Create a stunning website that sets you apart & helps patients understand direct care

Build lean operating systems & efficient workflows to help you minimize expenses & scut

Develop a marketing gameplan that is non-sleezy, organic & effective

Cultivate the mindset & confidence needed to start a biz & realize your full potential

By the end of this course, you will...

Get on the list >

Launch a practice that aligns with your values, strengths & priorities in this season of your life

All physicians who have enrolled in the course will also have access to the private Micropractice Mama Facebook group for ongoing support and information sharing with likeminded doctors working towards similar goals. We are your tribe!

It's more than just a course, it's a community.

Free guide

Bonus Course Module

Enter the chat

What if I'm not a mom?

Motherhood was a big part of my journey & my desire to pull other moms out of the trenches inspired this chapter of my career. But anyone can become burned out & disillusioned by traditional practice, so all are welcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm not a PCP?

This course is designed for PCPs, however most of the material can be applied to any non-procedural outpatient specialty. However, in this case, you may consider reaching out for additional 1:1 support from me or a direct care mentor in your specialty.

How long will the course take?

The course is meant to guide you through the start-up process step-by-step with each module being followed by taking action to move towards your goal. The time this takes will vary depending on your level of commitment. For most, we estimate this process will take at least 3-4 months.

How much will it cost?

TBD. However, the first module will be available for FREE in order to help potential enrollees decide if the investment is right for them.

What if I'm not a woman?

I'll say it again for the people in the back, all are welcome. To be clear, gender is a social construct. However there is a growing body of research demonstrating that those who identify as women in primary care have a different experience than men with respect to patient expectations, staff demands, outcomes, compensation and division of childcare & household labor. They are often exceptionally overworked, underpaid & undervalued, and gaslit when they speak up. Many of the DPC pioneers have been men, and I felt it was important to share a slightly different blueprint that may better serve this specific population.

Why take a course? Can't I find this info for free?

Yes, you can. And in fact, the DPC community is incredibly welcoming and generous because we want more doctors to "see the light." But unless you attend a conference, the information is scattered. The content of the E-course was gathered from numerous sources including business books, podcasts, Facebook groups, expert consultation, picking other people's brains & personal experience. There's no shame in skipping the legwork and guesswork by having the information laid out for you in a clear, concise (and fun) format, which ultimately saves you time and money.

Listen, Learn, Laugh & Cry

I would love to keep you company on your commute home, your morning walk or your household chores. Tune in to learn more about direct care micropractice through the easy, free, no-strings-attached podcast.

Listen on Apple Podcasts

The Podcast

Listen on Spotify

Excited yet?
Module 1: The Model & The Mindset
Coming Fall 2024....

Find out if it's truly right for you

Study at your own pace

build the practice
of your dreams


Follow a proven roadmap

My Micropractice Start-Up Costs

Curious how much it actually costs to start a direct care micropractice? I bet it's not as much as you think. In the spirit of full transparency, I'm sharing all my start-up costs down the dollar. Plus a few tips on where I would save and splurge if I did it all over.

For the DPC-curious

Business Plan Worksheet

Many docs don't bother writing a business plan unless it's required for a loan, but I believe it is an essential step in laying a strong foundation for your practice, which is why I'm sharing this business plan worksheet as a free resource for those who don't know where to start.

For the planners

Legal Document Checklist

Does the "legal stuff" give you anxiety? Me too. Going into solo practice made me feel especially vulnerable, so having all my legal documents in order was a high priority. To make things easier for you, I've compiled a checklist of all the documents I use in my practice along with explanations of how I use them.

For the list-lovers

All the Scary stuff made simple

Are you doom-scrolling before bed? Might I suggest some engaging, inspiring & informative content instead? Whether you're just curious about micropractice, in the planning stage or already up and running, you can get exclusive tips & guides on everything from start-up costs to optimizing efficiency to mastering a meet & greet. I am determined to make it so good you actually look forward to getting the Memo in your inbox....

Get the memo >

Join The movement

email ME

Still on the Fence?

let's do this

I get it. It's scary. As doctors, most of us follow a clear & predictable path. Taking the road less traveled is especially hard for us. If you have questions, feel free to reach out.